Purpose Statement

My holy ambition is to bring glory to God through the study of His Word. I am passionate about the observation, interpretation and application of God's Word in our lives.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Goodness of God

I started a study in the Psalms on the word "good."  I haven't looked up many references but it is interesting to note already that God's goodness is His character and not dependent on anyone or anything. His promised blessings of "good things" are often contingent upon conditions of the believer. For example, David said God gave him gladness in his heart, peace and safety (Psalm 4). But he was to tremble and not sin. Psalm 21 speaks of giving the king life and length of days and blessing of good things of life. The king was to be glad and joyful in the presence of the Lord and trust in Him always.

There are some recurrent phrases that give us insight into the good blessing of the Lord. "Fear the Lord" occurs a number of times. So does "praise" or "exult" the Lord.  We are to "taste and see that the Lord is good". He hears the righteous' cry. He delivers them out of their troubles. He is near to the brokenhearted and to those crushed in spirit.  He redeems the soul. The conditions stated in the same Psalm include bless the Lord, magnify Him, take refuge in Him, seek Him and depart from evil and do good.  Psalm 34 lists a number of promises of God interspersed with our responsibility to Him.  He sustains, grants the desires of our hearts, gives us the land as inheritance, orders our steps, delivers and saves. We must fret not, be not envious, delight in the Lord, commit our ways to Him and a number other of commands God gives.

Psalm 100 states that the Lord is good in verse 5. His lovingkindness is everlasting and His faithfulness is to all generations.  We must shout joyfully, serve Him with gladness, know that the Lord is God, give thanks and praise His name.  God is good but often His promises of blessing are linked to responsibilities we have to obey Him. I want to commit in the new year to be a more obedient and worshipful believer of the Lord who is good and does good!

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