Purpose Statement

My holy ambition is to bring glory to God through the study of His Word. I am passionate about the observation, interpretation and application of God's Word in our lives.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Called To Community

My pastor has spent the past month or so preaching on the church of Jesus Christ.  He's emphasized the concept of community.  One of the more piercing truths, and there have been many, is that God Himself is in community and has been eternally so.  The Father, Son and Holy spirit have forever existed, will forever exist and co-exist in relationship with one another.  We as God's image bearers are created to commune not only with Him but with one another as well.  I'm not sure why I've missed that biblical idea for so long but alas it is true. The conviction among our church members has been deep and life changing.

This morning on Facebook someone posted the following quote by R.C. Sproul: "It is both foolish and wicked to suppose that we will make much progress in sanctification if we isolate ourselves from the visible church. Indeed, it is commonplace to hear people declare that they don’t need to unite with a church to be Christian. They claim that their devotion is personal and private, not institutional or corporate. This is not the testimony of the great saints of history; it is the confession of fools." (The Soul’s Quest for God 151). I couldn't agree more with Dr. Sproul's words.  As believers we ARE fools if we isolate ourselves from others. 

The independent spirit of American nationalism works against the biblical mandate to foster community.  We are taught to be self made and self reliant people from birth to death.  We honor and esteem the person who has succeeded in position and possession. The multi-millionaires, rock stars, movie celebrities and sports stars are more often most children's idols than are the saints of ages past or present.  Yet many,  if not most, of these people live lives of "quiet desperation."  Theirs is an empty void which they attempt to fill with money, fame, things, drugs and sex.  They continue in their helpless plight believing that the next thing, the next house, the next spouse, the next brood of children or the next job is going to bring contentment. They strive to belong but believe the lie.  Only in Christ and through His church can we ever satisfy the ceaseless longing that beats within our hearts.

Jesus Christ is returning and frankly I think it's soon.  He promised to come back for His people. All who have ever trusted in Him for salvation are collectively His "bride."  We are not individually married to Jesus as some believe. Rather there is a sweet mystical union of Jesus, the bridegroom and the church, His bride. We will forever live in communion with the triune God and all other saints in the New Jerusalem. Romans 12:5 states that we are members of one body we belong to one another. I Corinthians 12 to 14 develops the analogy of body life and how interdependent we are upon each other. Since our destiny is community and togetherness shouldn't we begin to live like that now? 

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